The Day before leaving
So, this is my last day before leaving my beloved Denmark for 8 long months. I still don't know what to feel or expect or how it will be to be away for that long. It's funny saying that after recently spending 2 years in Norway, but it really does feel longer mentally because it's in one go. Perhaps time'll just fly ahead, faster than a blink. Othertimes it might be like following a snail in the grass... so slow, but still you know it's moving steady and sure.
I'm trying to create images of India. I see a lot of people everywhere, trains stuffed with people, huge markets with living trade, men holding hands on the streets, long beards and turbans, tempels, spicies, colours, gold jewelery, loud hindi..... and so on and so on. The truth is I know very little about the country am I about to spend 8 months in. But hey, someone would probably say that's the charm of it.
I spent my last Saturday night with Mathias and Matt in Copenhagen, a city I will miss greatly undoubtly. It's hard saying goodbye all the time to people I care so much about, I havent done anything but saying goodbye to my friends this week. And still, I didnt see all I wanted to, didn't feel I had enough time. But on the other hand, I doubt I will ever feel completely ready to leave, no matter how long I wait, so better do it quick.
I will miss my family, friends, Copenhagen, Denmark. But saying this I must add that I am full of excitement, hopefullness, expectations, curiousity and I'm going into this with high spirits.
Wish me luck! As I wish to everyone who is going into something new this late Summer 2006, whether it is college, work, travelling, volunteering or something different.
Dear Dansk Liv! I hope those 8 months in India will be as you wish them to be. I shall check your blog as often as it is only possible.
Talking about myself, I am starting university life at Simon Fraser Uni this September. I have founded a blog too, so if you feel like please do check it out!
Loads of Love -
Hey Liv!
As I am blog-addict I will for sure be reading about your adventures in India! I hope Everything goes well and you enjoy this experience to the fullest.
As for myself, I am now in good old flekke working at the english course, prepering for China!
Give Sanna and Airiin a big hug from me.
Best wishes to all of you, Kristín.
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